Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Start as you mean to go on!

We all know how it is, fallen back to sleep after the alarms gone off...lecture starts in 10 minutes, breakfast can wait! But missing breakfast won't make us loose weight, infact it helps to control weight! So even a piece of fruit on your way to the morning lecture is far better than nothing (and will be essential food for the brain during that lecture!)

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Wine vs Walkers!

Did you have any idea that when your sipping on that wine your taking in as many calories as you would be if you were to tuck into a bag of crisps! Didn't know? Your not alone, when the government did a survey recently for their 'Know your limits' campaign more than 40% of women had no idea! And boys, don't be thinking you've got nothing to worry about, a pint of lager is the equivalent of a sausage roll! So next time you pour a glass of your prefered drink, you can make the conscious decision of crisps or a drink!

Friday, 3 April 2009

Go Nuts!

Coconut oil is great for our hair, skin and even relieves stress (obviously an essential for us students!) aswell as having loads of other benefits! This video has some great tips, they may seem a bit out there but it's interesting!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

A motivating quote!

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Friday, 27 March 2009


If Sweet n Spice doesn't take your fancy, then Brunchies is only a few steps away. And, again, there are healthy alternatives, but dont worry, this time it isn't as drastic as salad! Brunchies sell jacket potatoes with a variety of toppings aswell as a great selection of fillings for omlettes. A lot more nutritious than chips and a hamburger!

Thursday, 26 March 2009

How Sweet is 'Sweet n Spice?'

Sweet n Spice is arguably Staffordshire students favourite take-away, the location is perfect for a stop off after a night at the LRV. I went to find out if there are any healthy alternatives for that end of night binge. If you can manage to resist the temptation of all the usual fatty take-away food, there are plenty of options for different fillings for baguettes. Or maybe you fancy being even healthier and going for the salad option (yeh i know how boring it sounds!) but they have a brilliant variety of different salads, and trust me, you won't feel anywhere near as bad in the morning!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Take it away!

One of the not so exciting areas of student life is cooking. Very few of us enjoy this and the few who do soon get fed up of cooking for the rest of us! The temptation is to go for the easy option and get a take-away. So I have decided to review the favourite take-aways in Shelton and to see if there is such a thing as a healthy take-away!